Monday, November 3, 2008

Our Halloween Night

The tradition I have been doing since having kids, for all holidays & birthdays. The night before the big day, I would decorate the dinner table with table cloth along with a centerpiece, plus goodies for everyone. So as you can see our first picture is what I did to surprise the kids when they woke up. After J school costume parade. M and I cleaned out our pumkin! M tried, but he thought it was pretty gross!!! Yuk! I don't like it either! Anyway, M went to his afternoon kindergarten costume parade. I loved Halloween falling on a Friday, because it was early out and we had plenty of time of relaxing, making dinner (chilli of course, but they boys didn't like it!), but the doughnuts disappeared fast, and it was yummy!
Finally, we adventured out with A as a Witch Hunter, J as a Sword Ninja, M as
Batman. It was a perfect tempature with overcast clouds looking errie. We trick or treated for
almost 2 hours. And as you can see how much candies they received, and it was because we went to the houses in our ward boundary that gave out big candies bars and other goodies. The kids can't believe how big the homes are! (there were some pretty big ones), but the members are so nice and so good to us, even though we live in apartments.
I know the dentist wouldn't like seeing how much candies the kids has gotten, but they had fun and we did had to quit, because the Batman was needing to go (really badly), poor kid wouldn't use anyone's bathroom. So he held it for quite awhile. It was good to be home and we ended our night with a popcorn & movie. The End


Stephanie Kay Moore said...

Looks like so much fun! Yuo're a wonderful mom Tara!

Moberg Family said...

Tara, it looks like you had a great Halloween. It was hard to remember that it was Halloween in Florida. Raining today in Grand Cayman but hopefully it will quit by tomorrow so that we can go down to the beach!

Mom said...

Tara, I loved seeing the pictures of your Halloween. It looks like everyone had fun! The kids are lucky to have you for a Mom. You're great! Love to all, Kay (Mom)

Anonymous said...

Tara, I loved seeing and reading about your Halloween. It looks like everyone had fun. What a haul the kids made and their costumes were great. You are great to make it so special for them. Love to all of you.

Anonymous said...

Tara, What a fun Halloween! You made it so special for them all. I loved the costumes and pumpkins. Soooooooo much candy! Love to all. Mom (Kay)

Jana Street said...

What's the deal with all of mom's comments about your Halloween? ha ha! Cute Halloween Tara. I absolutely love reading everyone's blog! I don't want to have to manintain one for myself, but it is so fun looking at everyone elses! It is neat that you have those traditions and still have the energy to do them! I'm finding myself as being too tired to do cute things anymore. :( This teacher gives Tara an A+ in the mom category!

Love ya all!